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Salon Sundays

Explore Art in the Rivertowns this Spring with RiverArts’ Salon Sundays 

Salon Sundays invite visitors to tour local artists’ studios and gain an inside view of their work and inspiration. An exciting opportunity to gain insights into the creative process, learn about techniques in a variety of media and interact with artists here in the Rivertowns community.  In most cases, participating artists will be exhibiting works for sale so please consider supporting our community of artists through your patronage.

Salon Sundays are inspired by the French salons founded in the 18th century as a means for new and emerging artists to gather and show their works in large numbers. Artists filled the walls, floor to ceiling, exhibiting anything and everything for the public and each other. Salons drew intellectuals, writers, poets, sculptors, painters, printmakers, supporters, and those interested in engaging with the creative community.   

“French Salons became the starting point for many amazing artists – the Cezannes, Manets, Seurats and van Goghs. RiverArts is excited to amplify the voices of our Studio Tour artists as well as emerging artists living or working in our communities with our own version of this format, Salon Sundays.  We hope to give art lovers opportunities to explore these artists’ work in a “salon” setting with the artists, offering the potential thrill of a great new discovery behind every studio door.”  James Fuentes, Gallerist; Producer, Salon Sundays

May 19 - Hastings-on-Hudson & Dobbs Ferry Studios
Mary Fennell
Acrylic, Collage, Found Objects, Mixed Media, Oil, Photography
145 Palisade St. #415, Dobbs Ferry, NY
I have always loved both Photography and Mixed Media, My photographic images reflect the light, forms, and textures of world around me. They have been my eye looking outward. My mixed media work, on the other hand, has been my eye looking inward, a vehicle for expressing my personal philosophy.
Tales From the Lands of Man, 2022 24x24
Jason Gardner
45 Main St., Hastings-on-Hudson, NY
Focusing on traditional, folkloric, and community celebrations with few outside visitors, Gardner collaborated with ethnographers and local experts to understand each of the fifteen festivals he photographed. Performed throughout Europe, these ancient rituals form the core of present day Carnival.
Kurent Oraci Portrait, 2019, 28x40
Naomi Gilbert
Acrylic, Collage, Ink, Oil, Printmaking, Watercolor
145 Palisade St. #335D, Dobbs Ferry, NY
I am fascinated by the fundamental oneness of the universe. Nature repeats itself: images of microscopic life resemble galaxies which resemble deep sea environments. Atoms flow through everything. It is these energies, and a sense of connectivity, that inspire me to create. 
Garden, 2024, 8'x10'
Susan Rowe Harrison
7 Summit Terrace, Dobbs Ferry, NY
Susan Rowe Harrison is best known for creating luminous spaces to contemplate a sense of place. Drawing is at the heart of her work. She lives and works in the lower Hudson Valley and New York City.
Weather Report, 2022, 162 x 864in
Constanza Mallol
Drawing, Oil, Watercolor
145 Palisade St. #313, Dobbs Ferry, NY
I paint my surroundings and experience of life with the less possible interference of technology, and over intellectual analysis. I paint color I see in life and the light that reveals that color. I feel life in the universe and I absorb it in my live and paintings. Ive lived in Mexico and Chile.
Apples 22"x28"
Stephanie Natale
Found Objects, Glass, Mosaic
145 Palisade St. #408, Dobbs Ferry, NY
I use a combination of found objects, Smalti tile and stained glass to create my art pieces.
Woman with Flower
David Press
Fiber, Installation, Sculpture
17 Riverview Place, Hastings-on-Hudson, NY
Inspired by artists Naum Gabo, Kenneth Snelson and Alexander Calder as well as mathematician and model maker Theodore Olivier, I continue my quest to produce 3D sculptures using straight lines of string. After years of using laser cut acrylic frames, I'm back to making wood tensegrity mobiles.
H plus S Pattern on Neon Blue Acrylic in Orange and Green, 2023, 6"x6"x7"
Madge Scott
Drawing, Fiber, Found Objects, Ink, Mixed Media, Oil, Paper, Pastel, Watercolor
145 Palisade St, #334E, Dobbs Ferry, NY
Self taught, award winning mixed media artist in folk art and history. Sold nationally and internationally. Is in a Hudson River Museum's ongoing exhibition until September. A member of the Upstream Gallery in Hastings and the Blue Door in Yonkers. 
Fire on The Mountain 8×8


P.O. Box 60
Hastings-on-Hudson, NY 10706